Greetings from There...
Hev has been planning to take me away for my thirtieth for months. I've known about this, but, never knew where, it's just been referred to as: there...
Well, we're There now, and There turns out to be...
(wait for it, wait for it...)
and it's great (though a little wet.)
We were trying to see how far we could get without me knowing where we were going. The aim was to see if we could get me on the plane and hear it from the pilot.
We sort of managed it. We checked in and got through security without a hitch, but at the gate there was a woman with a guide to Czech museums which pretty much gave the game away. Nonetheless, I perceviered, and the first explicit confirmation of our desination was from the pilot:
"Welcome to this British Airways Boeing 737 flight to Prague..."
Pretty impressive huh?
Prague's great, having lots of fun - must go, I'm thirty in about an hour...
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