Joseph Bloggs

Online home of Joseph Talbot: Little Briton

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Porting blog posts and comments into Drupal

26 June 2011 - 8:12pm -- Joseph

I'm trying to work out how to port the content of an existing blog (this one) into Drupal. The problem I have is that this blog isn't currently running on an established blogging platform (Blogger, Wordpress, Moveable type, etc...) that someone may have written an import module for. Rather this blog is run on a MySQL and php monstrosity I hacked together myself some years ago.

I guess the good news is that I understand the structure of the existing data and have complete control over it.

The bad news is that I'm not sure how how to do it.

I'm not bitter, but...

28 June 2010 - 2:24pm -- Joseph

All Sepp Blatter and no video replay makes World Cup a farce, all Sepp Blatter and no video replay makes World Cup a farce, all Sepp Blatter and no video replay makes World Cup a farce, all Sepp Blatter and no video replay makes World Cup a farce, all Sepp Blatter and no video replay makes World Cup a farce, all Sepp Blatter and no video replay makes World Cup a farce, all Sepp Blatter and no video replay makes World Cup a farce, all Sepp Blatter and no video replay makes World Cup a farce, all Sepp Blatter and no video replay makes World Cup a farce, all Sepp Blatter and no video replay ma
