More of Hev's off duty
Here is what I am up to for the next few weeks
7/2 AL, 8/2 AL, 9/2 E (cardiac recovery), 10/2 E (Renal HDU), 11/2 AL, 12/2 E (Ambulance :-)!!) 13/2 DO
14/2 DO, 15/2 EL, 16/2 SD, 17/2 EL, 18/2 DO, 19/2 DO, 20/2 DO
21/2 DO, 22/2 DO, 23/2 DO, 24/2 EL, 25/2 DO, 26/2 EL, 27/2 EL
28/2 DO, 1/3 DO, 2/3 SD, 3/3 DO, 4/3 EL, 5/3 EL, 6/3 DO
This is of course subject to change as I may to extra HDU shifts or bank.