The answer to pretty much any social invitation that I get is 'I'll have to check Hev's off-duty', meaning is she working or not.
They call it the off duty because it tells you when you're off duty. I've always found that a litle odd, the emphasis being on when you're not working. The NHS works in weird and wonderful ways...
So I've decided that I (or Hev) are going to start putting up her off-duty rota up here, so I can refer to it when I need to, and for the information of others (such as our parents).
So anyway here it is, complete with key:
Hev's off-duty, December and early Jan
DO = day off
E = early shift
L = late shift
EL = early/late shift (long day)
10 DO
11 L
12 EL
13 DO
14 11-7
15 E
16 EL
17 DO
18 EL
19 DO
20 DO
21 DO
22 EL
23 EL
34 11-7
25 E
26 L
27 DO
28 EL
29 - 4/1/05 off
5 EL
6 EL
7 DO
8 E
9 EL
And there you have it...
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