What can I say?
It's dark...
Essentially it's a serial killer movie with a 12A rating, how did that happen?
Oh, that's right, it's (notionally) a superhero, film, and it'll hurt the box office if it's a 15...
Still, the film's bloody excellent. I liked Batman Begins a lot, but it doesn't follow that the sequel will be any good...
But it is, maybe better. Everyone's been raving about Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker and talking of Oscars; I assumed that everyone was exaggerating because the guy's dead, but no. Ledger is absolutely amazing. It's a truly scary performance, you don't see Ledger at all, just this psychotically unhinged villain.
It's a performance worth of an Oscar. Since it's a superhero flick, ordinarily he'd have no chance, but since he's recently deceased, he probably git it.
You want crazy? Gotham's got nothing on Tinsel Town...
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