Joseph Bloggs

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More of Hev's off duty

3 February 2005 - 1:27pm -- Joseph

Here is what I am up to for the next few weeks

7/2 AL, 8/2 AL, 9/2 E (cardiac recovery), 10/2 E (Renal HDU), 11/2 AL, 12/2 E (Ambulance :-)!!) 13/2 DO

14/2 DO, 15/2 EL, 16/2 SD, 17/2 EL, 18/2 DO, 19/2 DO, 20/2 DO

21/2 DO, 22/2 DO, 23/2 DO, 24/2 EL, 25/2 DO, 26/2 EL, 27/2 EL

28/2 DO, 1/3 DO, 2/3 SD, 3/3 DO, 4/3 EL, 5/3 EL, 6/3 DO

This is of course subject to change as I may to extra HDU shifts or bank.

The drugs DO work...

2 February 2005 - 1:07pm -- Joseph

I went to the doctors yesterday, to have my prescription reviewed. I take antihistamines and a steroid nasal spray daily, and have done for over 10 years. It's to treat perennial rhinitis, which is a bit like hay fever, only caused (in my case) by house dust rather than pollen. It's the first time I've seen this doctor, and he prescribed a different antihistamine, to be taken once a day instead of twice.

I took one last night before bed. I slept pretty well last night, and I felt pretty good this morning. It was almost like recovering from a decade-long cold. Almost.

Switching over to Firefox and Thunderbird

24 January 2005 - 8:02pm -- Joseph

I installed the Mozilla browser and mail client for my parents this weekend. I've been using Mozilla as my main browser at work for sometime, but haven't used just Firefox, because the tabbed browsing doesn't behave as I'd wish. Similarly, I'd not switched my email to Thunderbird because you can't just add a sender of a message to your address book by right-clicking (which I can do in Eudora).

Rooney and shearer - commenting on John Rawling's comparison

17 January 2005 - 1:18pm -- Joseph

I just read an article by John Rawling on Guardian unlimited Football, the gist of which was that wayne Rooney's an idiot, and that he has a long way to go before he's thought of a legend like Shearer. Clearly Rooney is not the sharpest tool in the box, and I'm not going to try and suggest otherwise, but I thought it was a poor piece of journalism.

Happy New year and Hev's off duty

11 January 2005 - 5:34pm -- Joseph

Well I thought I had better say Happy New Year as Joe has not yet, so there it is. We had a great new year on the Isle of Scilly everybody was in fancy dress there were so many ideas it was great just to go around looking at everyone!! You may get some photos when Joe gets round to putting them up.

Well here is my work plans for the next few weeks for anyone that cares

president of the Institute of Advanced Motorists banned from driving

23 December 2004 - 12:52pm -- Joseph

You've got to love the irony...
The Duke of Gloucester, who is the president of the Institute of Advanced Motorists has been banned from driving. Glad to see he's taking his position seriously then...
Apparently it's his fourth offence in three years, what an idiot!
This now puts the institute in an'interesting' position. Normally institute members who loses their licence also loses their membership. So they should really boot the Duke's sorry arse out, but since he's the President, that's going to look pretty stupid...

i-Tunes compilations

13 December 2004 - 3:31pm -- Joseph

I like making compilations in i-Tunes.
A few months ago a couple of friends and I had a 'My favorite Beatles compilation' competition (okay, it wasn't really a competition, but I can't call it an exercise, makes it sound like a parliamentary sub-committee or something...). I meant to publish the track listings up here, but never go quite got around to it.

Heather's Christmas off-duty

10 December 2004 - 9:48am -- Joseph

The answer to pretty much any social invitation that I get is 'I'll have to check Hev's off-duty', meaning is she working or not.
They call it the off duty because it tells you when you're off duty. I've always found that a litle odd, the emphasis being on when you're not working. The NHS works in weird and wonderful ways...

So I've decided that I (or Hev) are going to start putting up her off-duty rota up here, so I can refer to it when I need to, and for the information of others (such as our parents).

So anyway here it is, complete with key:

John Peel

30 November 2004 - 5:33pm -- Joseph

I've just realised I never did post an entry about John Peel.

I think maybe I thought I had nothing to say that hadn't already been said (which is certainly true), or maybe I just got distracted by my own minor injuries.

Either way, I now feel like I should mark the passing of a man who is a loss to anyone who cares at all about music (or may be that should just be 'cares at all'...)
